Monday, March 30, 2020

Horizon Tutoring and Test Preparation - Clarksville, MD

Horizon Tutoring and Test Preparation - Clarksville, MDHorizon Tutoring and Test Preparation - Clarksville, MD offers high quality tutoring for teens. We work with your child's needs to help them achieve their academic goals.We are dedicated to delivering exceptional results for our students' parents. We understand that it is up to you to choose a provider that can meet your child's individual needs. Our commitment to excellence and finding the right fit for your family and your child are second to none.When it comes to finding a great tutoring and test preparation program in Clarksville, Maryland, you need to consider the school's history, reputation, and customer service before choosing a company or person to meet your child's academic needs. You need to make sure that your child has access to excellent instructional materials and personalized attention, as well as safe learning environments. This is a critical decision, since you want to ensure your child's academic success.In add ition, you need to make sure that the student's parents and the counselor are working together to meet the student's goals and needs. The counseling sessions must be convenient and conducted at an appropriate time for you and your child. It must also be safe for everyone involved.You also need to ask yourself if you want to take the decision-making aspect out of the equation by using a tutoring or testing company that offers the Horizon Tutoring and Test Preparation - Clarksville, MD. We know that sometimes this means you will have to work harder on your own to find the best choice in the market. But as parents, it is up to us to decide what is best for our children and ourselves.We understand that this can be hard, especially when it comes to helping your child to achieve their academic goals. We offer top quality tutoring and test preparation that help your child gain valuable skills they can use throughout their life.There are times when your child's grades and test scores could be affected by very important life events. Your child might have a difficult family member, such as a death, divorce, or other stressful event. Your child might be in a very challenging situation in which a test or a class could be even more of a challenge.These are situations that can affect your child's ability to reach their full potential, and they may affect their performance in school. Regardless of your child's individual situation, you need to find a program that can help your child achieve their academic goals.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Time Management Tips for Remote Jobs

4 Time Management Tips for Remote Jobs via Pexels 1. Keep track of deadlines When you work remotely, it is likely that you will be tasked with managing multiple assignments and deadlines at the same time. If you are freelancing, this could mean dealing with multiple different companies who work within different time frames. While it may seem like you can keep everything straight in your head, it is definitely a good idea to have a dedicated space to keep track of all your deadlines. Because different people manage their schedules in different ways, how you choose to keep track of your deadlines is mostly up to you. Some people prefer to keep track the old-fashioned way on a paper calendar while others have moved on to digital reminders. There can be many different places to record deadlines like Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendars, and using various apps on your phone. However you decide to keep track, make sure that you stick to one method, otherwise you run the risk of having to keep track of multiple calendars. It may also be a good idea to set reminders for yourself a couple days or a day before things are due, just in case it has slipped past you somehow. This is good practice so that you aren’t accidentally missing deadlines and turning things in late. 2. Make a priority list Alongside keeping track of multiple deadlines, you may be wondering how to manage your time when you have many tasks that need to be worked on. When you have so many things to do, the anxiety around getting them all done can be paralyzing. Where do you start? It is a good idea to get into the habit of making a priority list at the start of every day. This helps you get some clarity on what tasks need to be done urgently and what tasks can be reserved for later. When you have a clear priority, it is much easier to start working on it than trying to work on many different things at the same time. Often, our priorities are the things that are due the soonest, but you may want to base your priorities on what work is most important to you. 3. Have a dedicated workspace Because you work remotely, there are many different options for where and how you work. If you are lucky, try to set up a dedicated space for work. Because most people who work remotely also work from home, it can be very easy to allow yourself to become lazier as all your stuff is right there. You could lay on your bed and take a nap easily or turn on your favorite TV show. While these things may be tempting, they aren’t going to help you stay focused while trying to get work done. This is why it is such a crucial step to have a space that is dedicated to working rather than relaxing. It will help your brain switch to work mode rather than relaxation mode. If you don’t have anywhere in your house like this, you may want to consider working from somewhere outside your home. This could be a place like a coffee shop or a local library. 4. Vary up your tasks If you are working on a project that will take many long hours to complete, it is easy to get caught up in getting everything done at once. Be wary of this, though, because working intensely on one single thing can easily lead to burnout and boredom. While you are in control of your own schedule, you also need to make sure that you aren’t overdoing it. Just like in a normal job, you need to take breaks to eat and let your brain destress for a while. One way to make sure you aren’t going overboard is to make sure you are working on multiple tasks in one day. For example, let yourself work on a big project for only about two hours, then dedicate the rest of the day to smaller projects. This helps your brain utilize all of its skills which will make you feel less bored and tired by the end. Working remotely comes with a variety of benefits, but also with a lot of challenging tasks that some people don’t consider. Being able to manage your schedule effectively is something that is key to having a good working life.

Super Foods and Testing - by TutorNerds

Super Foods and Testing - by TutorNerds Boost Your Brain Power With These Superfoods Boost Your Brain Power With These Superfoods Students and their parents often inquire about ways to help their children perform better on a standardized test. In addition to study techniques there are many inquiries about vitamin supplements, medications, and certain types of foods. Of course, we are educators, not doctors or nutritionists but we can make a general suggestion about what works for some students. The use of certain vitamin supplements, lifestyle choices, as well as exercise and rest can help student’s brains function to their full potential. Vitamins If a student is vitamin deficient, they may become mentally fatigued more quickly than their peers. Of course, any student with a medical condition should consult their physician, but a general multivitamin is often a good idea for both teens and adults. Teens tend to enjoy fried food and sugar and generally dont see immediate side effects due to their high metabolisms. Although these foods are delicious, they do tend to fatigue our brains. Receiving 100% daily value of proper vitamins can help remedy a less-than-perfect diet A balanced diet Many teens report their distaste for fruits and vegetables. However, these are our natural super foods for the brain. Fruits contain phytochemicals that are not found in any other food source. It is thought that phytochemicals can help with optimal brain function and promote general health and energy. Green vegetables, which contain iron and other essential vitamins, are also a good food to add into the teen test taking diet. Excess sugar and fried foods often cause peoples bodies and brains to be more sluggish and should be avoided the week before taking an exam such as the SAT or ACT. Save the pizza party for the day after the test. Exercise With the exception of students who participate in sports, most of todays teens spend more time sitting down at a desk than the previous generation. The more sedentary we become, the easier it is to lose concentration. Assuming a student is in good physical condition, they should aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. If students are participating in long study sessions or tutoring sessions, its a good idea to get up and walk around ten minutes out of every hour. Fresh air is also a positive element of exercise, and students who live in Southern California can enjoy the outdoors year-round. Sleep The one thing that every single student should do more of is sleep. It’s not a good idea to attempt to make up for sleep on the weekends as studies have reported that regular sleep at least eight hours per night is important for the growing brain. Most students attempt to cram the night before an important exam, such as the SAT, which is always a bad idea (READ: Last Minute SAT Study Guide). If the student is required to wake at 6 am in order to get to school on time they should be asleep by 10 pm. Without sleep, the brain cannot recover or process information from the previous day. Remember eight hours is the minimum, not the ideal. Superfoods According to Web M.D., some of the best superfoods a person can eat include: Blueberries, broccoli, oats, oranges, salmon, spinach, green or black tea, walnuts, and yogurt. The great thing about eating superfoods for higher brain function is that, with the exception of a food allergy or sensitivity, there are no side effects. In addition to higher brain function, students who eat super foods on a regular basis will often find general health improvements, such as energy, during the school day and get more restorative sleep (READ: Understanding Different Types of Intelligence). One of the biggest superfoods, in my opinion, that teens tend to miss out on is water. Many teens reach for sodas and other sugary drinks instead of water. Regardless of the sugar content, for every soda someone drinks they are less likely to drink a bottle of water. Clear, clean water is one of the best ways to stay hydrated. When people of any age start to become dehydrated their brain function generally slows down. Students studying for standardized exams should make sure they are getting a bare minimum of eight 16 ounce glasses of water per day. Students who are exercising or participating in sports should increase their water consumption as needed. As always, be sure to check with your doctor before starting any supplement, diet, or exercise program. Make sure to keep a regular schedule and stay healthy during test prep season. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What to Know About the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program

What to Know About the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring ProgramThe Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program are one of the many programs that help gifted children in any neighborhood or community. It is a great opportunity for you to learn more about this type of program and how you can make it work for you.The Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program was started by Chester Porter in 1963. They are now celebrating their 50th year of service to families, schools and communities in the Cleveland area. This program is geared towards helping gifted students from all over the country as well as Cleveland.In order to apply for the program, you will need to fill out a form called the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program Application. There are several ways to do this including the internet, phone calls, mail and letter. All of them are very similar and easy to do.When filling out the application form, there are some simple things that you should remember. One of the things that y ou should think about is the place where you live. This could be your home, school, church or someone else's home. You should fill out this form as if you are applying to any of the schools within the Cleveland area.When filling out the form, it is very important that you put a good description of yourself. This is so that the admissions staff can decide whether or not you have what it takes to be accepted into the program.You should also include your whole family in the application as this will help you get the best possible scholarship that you qualify for. Also, there should be a description of what you would like to achieve in your life. This will help you get the best scholarship that you qualify for.The Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program is a program that is available for anyone who wants to have access to this kind of scholarship. It is an excellent way to help you get the education that you want to. Fill out the application form and you will be sure to get the schola rship that you qualify for.

Want to Become a Part of the Sports Culture?

Want to Become a Part of the Sports Culture?If you have ever been a member of a college athletic team, then you know how good it is to be part of a student body that shares in the same love of learning as your teammates. The sports culture is no different than any other. It gives people a way to experience the sports that they love as well as being an outlet for their creativity. While it can take up a lot of your time and energy, it will never be a job for everyone.Just like college students, parents love when their children are involved in something that they enjoy. In order to make your child's experience fun and exciting, there are several things that you should do. This article will help you get your child involved in sports and possibly tutoring Cedar Rapids.One of the best things to do when choosing to tutor Cedar Rapids is to find a program that will allow you to tutor your student for as long as you need to. If you opt to enroll in a program that allows for longer hours, the re are some things that you should remember. The first thing is that you want to find a program that will offer you a stipend. Your student will definitely need the extra money that you will be providing to them.Another tip to remember is that if you decide to tutor Cedar Rapids, you should make sure that you have enough time to be able to do so. Not all sports teams are alike, and not all sports are exciting at the same pace. This is why having adequate time to work with your student will allow you to be successful.When choosing to tutor Cedar Rapids, you should also make sure that you put in the necessary effort in order to help your student. You should not be doing this on your own. This is one thing that most coaches that take part in this type of activity complain about.Tutoring Cedar Rapids does not require you to spend a lot of money to help out your student. It does not require you to leave your own home, and the tutoring sessions will be free. Some companies will even give you a set amount of money to split between you and your student.So, you see, it is quite possible to do the same thing that coaches and students both do when choosing to tutor Cedar Rapids. Whether you choose to tutor your student at night, during your lunch break, or even before or after you finish working, there is no reason why you cannot be a part of the same community that everyone else is a part of.

Secret Recipe for Vocal Health Right Here!

Secret Recipe for Vocal Health Right Here! Suzy S. Just kidding. There is no secret recipe. Really, the best and most basic way to keep your voice in shape is to hydrate. Water is key to a great singing voice. So you should definitely keep some water around while you’re singing right? That’ll keep you perfectly hydrated! Not quite. Its good to have water around when you sing, but it won’t actually reach your vocal folds. Whatever you drank about two hours ago is what is really doing all the work. So try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, and keep your voice well lubricated. But what about tea honey, and boiled ginger water, and lemon juice, and cough drops, or some liquid courage, and none of these will actually help you out. Caffeine, which is found in all teas, (black, green, or white) is a drying agent, and honey is just a sweetener. It might make you feel better mentally, but physically, you need to intake water to help your voice. The caffeine in the tea will dry out your voice, possibly making it feel scratchy. Caffeinated sodas, coffee drinks and any tea other than an herbal tea will dry you out, everyone reacts different. This isn’t to say you need to cut caffeine out of your life, but counteracting it with plenty of water is best. People claim to have all sorts of miracle voice cures â€" ginger, honey, lemon, etc. but nothing works as well as plain old water; and liquid courage? Not a good idea. Alcohol is also a drying agent, and takes a lot of the hydration out of your body. It also takes a full 36 hours to leave your system. Cough drops can be a hidden danger as well. People will often inhale cough drops like a vacuum cleaner if they think their voice is not feeling great. This is a really bad idea. Most cough drops contain menthol, which will suck every bit of moisture out of you! Check cough drop packages carefully; there are plenty out there that do not contain menthol. Often times, standing in the shower and cupping your hands around your nose and mouth an inhaling the water vapor for five minutes will help your nose and throat feel much better than a cough drop will. If you are in a bind, you aren’t feeling 100%, and need to perform or audition â€" no way out â€" sprays like Entertainer’s Secret or Oasis can help in a pinch. These products contain glycerin, which is a lubricant. So its acts like oil for your car except it’s lubrication for your vocal folds. If you just cannot get them to phonate. a little bit of one these products will help you get your voice up and running. My personal recommendation is Entertainer’s Secret because not only does it contain glycerin, but it also has no alcohol in the formula, and also contains apple pectin, which is a natural moisturizer. Apples are another great way to counteract a parched mouth during a performance under those hot, drying lights. Take a bite of a skinned apple before you go onstage. The moisture will last in your mouth much longer than a quick sip of water. Of course, this is on top of the 8 glasses of water you drank earlier! Water: its free, and you can get almost anywhere â€" and it’s the absolute best thing for your voice.

How to Practice Guitar in 15 Minutes [Video]

How to Practice Guitar in 15 Minutes [Video] Maile Proctor When youre learning guitar, you know how important it is to practice. Sometimes, however, you just dont have time for a full practice session. This doesnt mean you need to skip practice altogether. In this video, Austin, TX. guitar instructor Aimee B. teaches you how to practice guitar in 15 minutes If you want to boost your guitar skills, you need to increase your knowledge of chord voicings. Theres more than one way to play the same chord on the guitar. The good news is that the guitar is made up of a series of repeating patterns. We will use a system, called CAGED to understand the five positions of a major chord on the guitar neck. Once you learn how to voice one major chord and its relation to the CAGED pattern, you can easily voice the same chord in multiple positions. How to Practice Guitar in 15 Minutes One Minute: Centering Visualization Approach your practice with a calm, positive mind. Take a minute to take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself with your instrument. This is your time to focus on your practice, so give yourself permission to mentally let go of the other matters in your day. Three Minutes: Open Voicings of the C, A, G, E, and D Major Chords Practice voicing the C, A, G, E and D major chords in the open position on the guitar neck. The open position refers to the area of the first three frets on the guitar neck where you have open (unfretted) strings ringing out. Practice moving smoothly between each chord. The goal is to memorize the shape of the chord, or the way it looks on the guitar. Five Minutes: Identify the Root of the C, A, G, E, and D Major Chords in Open Position Voice a chord and identify the root of the chord by playing only the string(s) where the root is located. The root of the C chord is C, the root of the A chord is A, and so on. Again, the key is to think of the shape of the chord and memorize where the roots are within that shape. You dont need to memorize string and fret numbers. Use the following to check your knowledge of the roots in each chord: C Chord/C Shape Roots B string 1st fret A string 3rd fret A Chord/A Shape Roots G string 2nd fret Open A string G Chord/G Shape Roots Low E string 3rd fret High E string 3rd fret Open G string E Chord/E Shape Roots Open low E string Open high E string D string 2nd fret D Chord/D Shape Roots Open D string B string 3rd fret NOTE: Instead of thinking of an open string as being open, think of the guitar nut located at the head of the guitar as being a finger holding a position. In other words, visually approach the nut of your guitar as being another fingered fret. Eight Minutes: Take One Chord and Move through the Five Shapes on the Guitar (CAGED) Play the C major chord, starting in open position, and move up (higher) on the guitar neck through the five different shapes of the chord. In all instances, you will play a C major chord. The notes voiced in the C major chord are C, E, and G. All three of these notes that make up the C chord remain present as you move up on the guitar neck through the five positions. The only thing that changes is how the chord looks, or the shape, NOT the chord itself. Heres the easiest way to think of the five chord positions in the CAGED system: Im playing a C chord that looks like a C shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the A shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the G shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the E shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the D shape. REMEMBER: Where the chord shape ends, the next shape begins! Repeat Previous Steps for the A, G, E, and D Major Chords Once you have moved the C major chord through each of the five positions, continue through the CAGED system voicings with a different chord. For instance, start on an open A major chord. The next shape for the A chord, moving up on your guitar, is the G shape, then E, D, and C. Guitar Practice Challenge Take a three-chord song you know in open position, find the next chord shape up on your guitar for each chord, and relearn the song in this new position. NOTE: Some positions are more friendly to play in than others. So next time you think you dont have enough time, remember how to practice guitar in 15 minutes. Dont let your busy schedule get in the way of your guitar playing journey. Ready to get started playing guitar? Search here for a teacher near you! Post Author: Aimee B. Aimee B. teaches piano, guitar and music theory in Austin, TX. She earned her B.A. in philosophy and art from St. Edwards University, has worked as a professional musician for over ten years, and has taught over 100 students as a private music instructor. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

How Online Tutoring Improve Educational Success

How Online Tutoring Improve Educational Success 0SHARESShare Traditionally, school learning has numerous distraction and disturbances which diminish core intention of imparting quality learning. Often children do not get proper attention to solve their queries and clarify their doubts. The students may feel shy or embarrassed about asking questions in the presence of their peers.   As a result, they feel frustrating when they are not able to complete their lessons, homework, assignments with unsolved questions in their mind. Online tutoring is the solution to above described problems has become more demanding these days. It fulfills the gaps in understanding with one-to-one tutoring sessions resulting in guaranteed educational success. Unlike school academics, online learning offers peace of mind taking one-to-one classes from the comfort of their home, individualized attention facilitate learning at their own pace. The student does not feel inhibited asking questions in an online class. No peers will share your online tutoring sessions. Online tutoring websites improve educational success to both academically weak and strong students. Weak student is benefited by learning at his own pace. The tutor plan session analyzing student’s grasp capabilities and aptitude towards learning the subject. The academically strong students get the benefit of in-depth knowledge solving each little complexity of the subject. The students get immediate support on learning the textbook lessons, completing their homework, assignments and test preparations. Often tutoring online provides library help programs where higher education students can seek online guidance on library resources. To conclude, online tutoring service is a guarantee to boost your child confidence, dedication and motivation towards attaining better grades in school academics. [starbox id=admin]

What Is Emotional Intelligence

What Is Emotional Intelligence A Guide to Emotional Intelligence ChaptersCan You Be Emotionally Intelligent?Developing Social IntelligenceIs Self-Control and Awareness Important?How to Develop Your Emotional QuotientSuccess in life is often the hardest aspect of our lives to quantify - and that’s not necessarily our fault. Society has developed a narrative that great leaders are those that possess a significant degree of general intelligence in fields such as law, politics, mathematics, psychology and more. While authentic leadership benefits from mastery in particular fields, what is often left out of this definition of success is the importance of high emotional intelligence.While feelings and emotions are often uncomfortable to deal with, emotional intelligence skills are consistently ranked as some of the most important abilities worth cultivating. There are many reasons why you may be seeking to improve your emotional intelligence, whether that be because you want to implement these skills from a leadership standpoint in a business  or simp ly because you want to learn how to process negative emotions more efficiently.While social emotional learning is a broad category, practiced by everyone from Bill George to the Dalai Lama, there are certain aspects of emotional literacy and skills that can be defined and explored - which is exactly what this guide will do. Starting with the origins of emotional intelligence to the best resources to practice your newfound skills, here is everything you need to get started on developing your leadership and interpersonal skills! Learning more about EQ from professionals in the area can help you grow! TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.93 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarriePersonal development Teacher £24/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCan You Be Emotionally Intelligent?The brain science we learn typically revolves around intelligent people. However, there has been increasing amounts of research into a new science called emotional intelligence th at is belying traditional wisdom for how to be an effective leader and developing leadership skills and knowledge. The theory of multiple intelligences deals with this new emotional and social skill, which deals with how well you can perceive your own emotional state and those of others.If you're interested in learning about leadership styles and personal achievement past indicators like IQ tests, emotional intelligence is the way to go. Kick-started by the bestselling novel  Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence deals with the ability in perceiving emotions through facial expressions, body language and intuition.Here's a guide on EQ basics!Developing Social IntelligenceIf you want to develop your emotional and social intelligence, start by taking an intelligence test for emotional ability. While the most popular emotional intelligence test, the MSCEIT, is typically paid for, there are plenty of free tests online you can take advantage of. While not encomp assing all the steps required for developing emotional intelligence, this is a great first step.These tests will ability to empathize with people, the degree you are self-aware of your empathetic and emotive abilities and more!Is Self-Control and Awareness Important?While no one needs to convince you about the importance of measuring a quotient in intelligence, quantifying your emotional abilities can seem non-essential. If you're interested in learning all about how self-management and social awareness can have a positive impact on your job performance, there are countless articles have been written by organizations such as the Harvard Business Review.If you want to understand more about the degree to which emotions can be a great predictor for personal and professional success, check out some of the works written by psychologists John Mayer, Peter Salovey and David Caruso.How to Develop Your Emotional QuotientNow that you understand a bit about the theory behind multiple intellige nces and why it can be equally as important to supplement a good intelligence quotient with emotional awareness, where do you go from here? While you might prefer to dig into Daniel Goleman’s bestseller to get even more familiar with the literature behind the emotional quotient, putting the concepts you learn about into practice should be on the top of your priority list alongside with learning more about the subject.While reading about intelligence tests from Goleman, Salovey and other journalists and academics can give you a better grasp on the scientific definitions surrounding intelligence and emotions, starting to practice social and emotional learning can be difficult. From a young age, we’re constantly taught the habits and mental tools that are necessary to develop things like a high IQ and pass general intelligence tests.Everyone has had to live through the horror of passing timed, standardized tests to get passing grades, get into schools, into job positions and even t o simply pass those captcha tests to prove you’re a human.It doesn’t help much that the superiority of being intelligent is constantly being reinforced, where society tends to prize hard skills like programming over soft skills like relationship management. Of course, these are broad generalizations - but it does serve to underscore the fact that people aren’t generally taught the important skills of self-regulation, empathy and managing emotions and moods. Here are some of the ways you can start to develop emotional awareness. Developing your critical thinking skills can be a great benefit!1. Listening to More Music or Watching More MoviesIf you want to become intelligent with respect to your emotional rapport with others and yourself, try watching more movies and listening to more music. There are a countless number of studies that have measured the effects of watching films on our emotions. If you really want to experience the full effects of this, you can also try your hand at scriptwriting or filming your own short film. This can help you develop some of the beneficial tools people involved in filmmaking possess, like understanding the body language that emotions convey.In terms of listening to music, you have probably already felt the powerful effect of music over your emotions. However, if you want to take these benefits to the next level, you should try participating in a music program. Some studies have shown that children who participated in a yearlong music class demonstrated an increased level o f empathy.2. Reading Books or WritingIf you’ve ever been moved by a novel, short story or poetry, you’ve already experienced the benefits of reading. Studies have suggested that reading books that we enjoy have a powerful ability to increase our emotional intelligence. Even for those who don’t consider themselves as big readers can set the goal for themselves of completing one book for the year.Along the same lines, writing can also help you improve your mental capacity for emotions. Even people who consider themselves as having experienced traditional and non-traumatic life events can benefit from the catharsis involved in writing. Try writing daily at the start or end of your day about the details of your day, no matter how mundane they feel. You’re bound to realize some patterns or specifics about how you process the instances of your days that you hadn’t before.Here are some more tips on how to improve your EQ!3. Joining a Sports Team or ExerciseIf you think you’d pr efer a more active practice in emotional intelligence, try joining a gym class or a local sports team. The scientific literature documenting the benefits of exercise and sports on mental capacities can be conflicting. However, consistent exercise is great at reducing stress and increasing positive attitudes towards life for many people.4. Practicing MindfulnessMindfulness can take on many meanings, but in general, it is the process of taking stock of your physical and mental processes and attempting to improve them when necessary. For example, if you often find yourself unable to sleep at night because your brain simply won’t shut off, it might be because you have some underlying anxiety regarding some aspects of your life.Some things that can help you pinpoint what these stress-inducing aspects are can be the breathing exercises involved in mindfulness meditation. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you start to understand your emotions a bit better.Do your exper iences affect your emotions drastically, fluctuating drastically as a reaction from moment to moment or not really?Are your emotions tied to sensations in your body? If so, can you locate them? Some examples can be tightness, dryness or clenching of the throat, stomach, chest, etc.Are people normally confused by how you’re feeling because you tend not to have such strong emotional responses? Or maybe because you have very intense emotional responses?Do your emotions play a major role in your decision making or do you actively work against them when making decisions?Answering questions like these can help you start to understand your perception and processing of your emotions. Enhance your skills by practicing mindfulnessBest Online Help for Improving Your Social SkillsIf you want to learn more about how you can improve your social competences and emotional learning, online websites can be your best tool. While not an exhaustive guide on how to improve your emotional intelligence, here are some of the best guides that can help you learn to understand and self-report your emotions.Being Well podcast: learn from Dr. Rick Hanson's interviews with professionals on some of the ways you can develop mental skills for a happier, healthier lifeTaking emotional intelligence tests online